It's already been 3 days since their engagement and both of them didn't talk to each other....well the reason is both of them don't have each others contact no. As both forget to ask each other and now they hesitate to ask someone in family because they know that they'll tease them lot like hell ....

It's 11 am and sakshi is sleeping peacefully in her room ...today she got tired of office work and weeding shopping so she slept early.....

Her phone started ringing continuously making her irritated because someone tried to destroy her peaceful sleep ...she had grown again hearing ringing of phone and accepted it in her sleep without checking the no.

"Hello" she heard some male voice from other side making her even more irritated ...

"Bhaisaab aap kon "  she said in her sleepy voice...while the person on the other side chuckled and yes....you guessed it right....it's Abhimanyu....well he is getting impatient to hear her voice so he bribed akash and Shivani to give her no. To him....

"Aapka hone vala pati mohtarma" sakshi heared voice and instantly recognise and get up with jerk

"Ji aap "  she said still in her sleepy voice and now abhi is feeling guilty for disturbing her sleep

"I am sorry I disturbed your sleep ...please you go back to your sleep... we'll talk tomorrow"he said

"No it's fine ....we can talk " she said instantly and bit her lips realising what she said and abhi had a smile on his face thinking that she also wanted to talk to him

"I got your no. From akash and Shivani today it self as I forget to ask you for yours " he said Changing the topic

"Ohh it's totally fine " she said with a smile thinking about his efforts to talk to her which only he knows how much bribe he has to give to both of them for a phone number

"So how's your day " abhi said not knowing what to say next

"Nothing just work and shopping "she Said in tired tone making him chuckle

"How's your day " sakshi asked

"Vahi bas kaam kaam or kya "said abhi in irrited tone which make sakshi chuckle to which abhi smiled

"So...are you coming for shopping tomorrow" asked sakshi as tomorrow Rathore's and Oberoi's are going for shopping

"I don't know ....if I get time then may be I will come " said abhi as he doesn't like shopping at all and only thinks of it as a waste of time

"Ohhh....it's fine " said sakshi in disappointed tone which didn't goes unnoticed by abhi and he feels happy at the thought that she want him to come with her

"Did you want me to come " asked abhi in teasing tone to hear her reply

"Yes...i mean nooo....I mean....it's your ...choice if you.... want to come on not" said sakshi shuttering as she don't want to give direct reply to which abhi chuckled but deep down she wants him to come

"I think you should sleep now , i already disturbed your sleep ....good night "said abhi as he recognised sakshi's sleepy voice

"Okk ...good night" said sakshi and they both cut the call

Tonight both sleept with content smile on their faces thinking about their conversation 😉


That's all for today

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