It's been almost 3 hours since all men left from the rathore mansion to rescue sakshi

Everyone is hell worried and panicked but they all kept their calm for their own benefits as they don't know who the kidnapper was and what he or she can do

Everyone's eyes was filled by unshed tears as they are getting restless as the time is tickling

Now as it's been 5-6 hours sakshi was kidnapped so she was also started to get a little panicked and tensed

She knows that rakshit will not do anything with her and she is somewhere safe with him but she is worried about her family that how tensed they all might be

She was also tensed about the face off which is going to have between abhimanyu and rakshit as she knows that it will definately hurt both and this is not going to be a physical fight but a emotional fight ....

Her eyes filled with tears only thinking about all this when she heard car's voice as the guards around her got alert and pull out their guns which she is also seeing for the first time in all these hours as till now the guards were only standing there without any weapon

She saw rakshit entering room with gun but he didn't say anything just stand in side of her chair she was seating

As soon as all men's entered the old house they all got saw guards standing there but what shocked them was they all are didn't stopped them like they didn't even saw them

Seeing this Abhimanyu stopped everyone and they all moved keeping gun pointed in direction so that no one can try to stop them

As they moved further they saw some guards standing in front of a perticular room so they all moved there and again no one stopped them which somewhere confused them all but they moved further and tried to open door but the door was locked

After trying for some more time they all succeed in opening door by pushing it as the door is old so it got opened easily

As soon as they entered inside room they got shocked seeing the scene in front of them

There they saw almost 20 guards and Rakshit standing there with guns and sakshi beside rakshit on chair her hands tied

As soon as sakshi and Abhimanyu's eyes got locked to each other a tear rolled down from both of their eyes which they both are controlling from so much time

Everyone got relieved seeing not sakshi safe as they all can see that she is not harmed in any way

"Welcome rathore " said rakshit with a sad smile

Seeing rakshit Rathore men's and abhinav , vihaan got shocked as they all know him ...and Oberoi men's got confused seeing him as they all know that he is Rakshit Nayak but don't know why he kidnapped sakshi

"Nayak...i can't believe tune hum dono ke differences me sakshi ko bich me laya " said abhimanyu pointing his gun towards rakshit in raze but a tear rolled down from his eyes seeing his own friend which one a like brother for him doing this

"Rathore gun niche...." Said rakshit also pointing his gun towards abhimanyu

"Manyu , rakshit ...dono guns niche Karo..." comes sakshi's angry voice and listening to which everyone got little shocked and confused

"Princess he tried to harm you and you are saying to put down guns " asked harsh in slightly angry tone while Rathore's and abhinav , vihaan keep quite somewhere understanding that sakshi might know about their old friendship

"He didn't harm me bhai ....see ...did you saw any scratches or something else ...." Said sakshi

"And you both put down your guns ....rakshit you only said me na ki bhai jese the manyu aapke liye ..to bhaiyon ki trh baat karo or sort Karo Jo bhi hai ...don't do this bullshit " said sakshi angrily to to which both abhimanyu and rakshit put their gun down

"Why did you kidnapped her " asked Abhimanyu in serious tone showing no emotions

"To make you know how it feels when someone close to get hurt and when someone who matters to you get far from you " rakshit also replied with no emotions

"Rakshit jo tha hamare bich tha...tujhe usme sakshi ko bich me lane ki kya jarurat thi " shouted Abhimanyu

"Hamare bich jo tha vo us din hi khtm ho gaya tha jab tu mujhe chod ke gaya or teri vjh se meri khudki family mujhe pasand nahi krti thi " shouted Rakshit with angry and sadness also with tears coming out of his eyes

Before someone could say something they all heard gun shoot voice and saw police with abhimanyu's guards entering inside with guns

"Shit...we forgot to inform them " mummerd Abhiraj in frustrated tone as all of them turned around

Protecting themselves Rakshit's guards also started firing and before anyone could they know they heard shout from their behind only to see rakshit and sakshi both lying on floor with blood coming out from sakshi's chest side and rakshit's arm bleeding heavily

"Stop everyone" shouted raghav at top stopping firing as both sakshi and Rakshit got shoot due to the firing between both sides

All of them runned towards them as abhimanyu picked up sakshi and started to move but stooped and turned his gaze towards rakshit who was also lying on floor

"Pick him up....bohot baat karni baaki hai or bohot kuch janna baki hai " abhimanyu said and moved outside as akash run and opened the gate of car for them as abhimanyu settled on backside with sakshi on his lap and akash on driving seat while harsh on passenger seat as abhinav , vihaan , Abhiraj are in other car with rakshit and dev , ansh and raghav in other

"Sakshi....keep your eyes open.... nothing will happen to you " said Abhimanyu with panicked tone tapping on her checks

"Manyu....he didn't do anything....he tried to save me from gun shoot " said sakshi in uneven cracking voice due to her uneven breathing

"Yess Jaan... we'll talk about it later...don't worry...he is also safe ...just keep your eyes opened " said Abhimanyu in panicked voice as his eyes were sheding tears continuously

"Akash drive fast " shouted Abhimanyu to which akash nodded with tears seeing her bhabhi maa in this condition

As soon as they reached hospital they all moved inside in panic shouting for doctor while doctors got shocked seeing the biggest buisness tycoons there

They all run inside as sakshi and rakshit on stretchers brought by nurse and doctors

As sakshi was about to go to OT ...she held abhimanyu's hand tightly stoping everyone

"Yess Jaan...bas kuch time ki baat hai...I know you are safe " said Abhimanyu in panicked tone trying to free his hand

"Manyu " whispered sakshi

"Yes Jaan " said abhimanyu trying to keep his tone calm

"Happy wedding anniversary manyu " sakshi whispered making everyone from their family cry out loud

"I'll answer you this when you'll come out " said abhimanyu with tears continuously coming out of his eyes as he kissed her forehead and left her hand as doctor moved her inside OT seeing the critical case

As soon as OT door got closed abhimanyu fall on ground in seating position with wall support


Guys guess who it can be 😉

That's all for this chapter

Hope you all liked it

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